Monday, May 01, 2006

Ha. Three posts in two days. Then none in April.

I just read four years' of someone's xanga. Interesting.

I'm reading The Purpose Driven Life again (I read it two years ago with my church). There's certainly some cliche in there, but know what? Right now I'd rather have cliche that is God-oriented than have nothing at all. At least it gets me actively thinking, even if it's to disagree.

So yeah, if you're reading this, comment me, k? I won't ask too often :).

I'm going to another church in July. That is exciting and scary all at once. Right now all I can really speak of is the building and the parsonage, both of which are way cool. I know that the church is actually the people, though, and I look forward to those interactions. I'll probably branch out with a new blog or two (yeah, and keep this one up too?) so I can have church updates and things while maintaining some smidge of anonymity here.

Anyhoo. (my new fave word).

Oh yeah. I'm hooked on lots of things. Devotions and exercise aren't among them, but I want them to be. So 'New Year's Resolution'-style, I'm gonna start. No surfing before the Word of the day. And do my workout 4-5 times a week. While I'm at it, I ought to throw flossing regularly in there. I do floss regularly, as long as it's the six weeks leading up to a dental appointment :).

like my autobiography?? kinda schizo ain't it? Lol <3AJ
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