Wednesday, February 01, 2006
State of the Union

How many blogs today have this subject, I wonder?
Click on the picture to make it bigger if you wanna see my notes during the speech.
I thought it was a very politically correct, hopeful speech. Surprised by the "American Competitiveness Initiative" (?) that will ride on the successful tails of No Child Left Behind (?). Surprised at the oil addiction statement, and the 20 year plan to decrease our dependence on the foreign stuff (20 years? c'mon, how bout a little initiative?). W told of a plan to cut the deficit in half over the next three years. Said the same thing last year: cut it in half over the next three years. He referred to 9/11 only twice, by my count, and hinted that if we'd have had something like the Patriot Act in place pre 9/11, 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Nice.
Now I guess I'll see what the media has to say about it. I watched on Fox, btw.