Wednesday, June 10, 2015


a 12-wk 15-mile training plan

Hopefully the spacing / formatting works okay.
My 12-week plan to train for 15-mile Charleston Distance Run, 9/5/15
(“w” = my "crosstrain" workout, go to

In general, rest on Sunday, longer run on Monday, crosstrain Tuesday, shorter run Wednesday, medium run or crosstrain Thursday & Friday, medium run Saturday. This is a basic guide for me. The actual goal is to run four times a week, and slowly increase mileage from high teens per week to low twenties per week, and to not neglect crosstraining.

When it says "3" it probably means 5K just because.
When it says "4" that likely means my local 4.17 mi route, or it might mean up a hill that is nearby. These are ballpark figures. Feel free to steal and tweak.

Week of Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat (week)(total)
6/14 5 w 3 4 w   3 (15) 15
6/21 w 3 5 w 5 (19)    34
6/28 7 w 3 ww 5 3 (18) 52
7/5 6 w 5 5 w 3 (19) 71
7/12 6 w 4 4 ww 4 (18) 89
7/19 7 w 3 w 5 6 (21) 110
7/26 5 ww 3 w 5 5 (18) 128
8/2 7 w 5 4 ww 4 (20) 148
8/9 6 ww 3 8 w 5 (22) 170
8/16 11 w 4 w 5 3 (23) 193
8/23 9 ww 3 5 w 7 (24) 217
8/30 3 w 5 3 w 15 (26) 243


My workout

Introducing the "KSDGW" workout that I made up.
I'm a runner, so this doesn't focus on legs,
but I include a variety with lunges and squats.
This takes oh, 12-16 minutes, depending on rest times / transitions.

Also, you can start out by cutting the numbers in half.
And you can also double up when you get to that point.

60 seconds right-side plank

10 burpees (with pushup and hop)

20 reverse chair dips
30 pushups
40 crunches
50 jumping jacks

60 seconds plank

50 jumping jacks

40 crunches
30 pushups
20 reverse chair dips
10 burpees (with pushup and hop)

60 seconds left-side plank

I like to do this 2-3 times a week.

KSDGW (with legs)
60 seconds right-side plank

10 burpees (with pushup and hop)
20 reverse chair dips
25 lunges (each leg forward)
30 pushups
35 squats
40 crunches
50 jumping jacks

60 seconds plank

50 jumping jacks
40 crunches
35 squats
30 pushups
25 lunges (each leg forward)
20 reverse chair dips
10 burpees (with pushup and hop)

60 seconds left-side plank

Monday, June 01, 2015


Like sands through the hourglass

Last time I used this blog... about 6 years ago.
Now it's like a little time capsule.

Also, blogger / blogspot apparently belongs to the google now
and since this blog was opened with a netscape email address
I can't (easily) update the profile.

The very short story:

In July 2011 my family and I moved to Campbelltown PA, 2 miles from Hershey PA, and I served a church there for 2ish years.

In October 2013 my family and I moved to Barboursville WV (in the WV-OH-KY tristate area) where I've been serving a church there. Here.

And if you are curious about the six years since the previous post...
email kerrfunk1 at net scape dot net.

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