Saturday, January 31, 2009
Still January
Might as well kick off the new year right, huh?
Apparently it was August, last time I checked this blog.
Apparently some folks occasionally do read this stuff! Hi! How exciting!
So lessee. You already know about my guitars and my bowling shirts. I got another bowling shirt for Christmas (thanks, Love!). It matches my motorcycle, my new toy that I got in October and have put 1,000 miles on already. Fun fun fun!

You can't tell from the picture, but since you stalk me you probably already know it's a maroonish 1982 Suzuki GS550L. Translation: a good starter bike, good for distance too.
What else? Sashi is in Kindergarten. She loves it. Just got her 1st Semester report card yesterday. Almost all "PR"s and "S"s. (PR = Proficient, shows mastery of skill, or exceeds expectations. S = Satisfactory. I don't know if the teacher could choose between PR and S for each category or not. It's Kindergarten, and she's doing very well)
Anyway, I'm putting the "PRO" in Procrastination, so I'ma gonna stop this awhile and go procrastinate elsewhere :)
Oh I almost forgot: I was witnessed to yesterday. Received a gospel tract and everything. I wish the guy had listened to me but he was in the zone. If you're witnessing to someone, and you ask 'em what they do, or whether they know God, Listen to 'em, for goodness sake.
Sola gratia
Thanks for reading!
Be blessed!
Apparently it was August, last time I checked this blog.
Apparently some folks occasionally do read this stuff! Hi! How exciting!
So lessee. You already know about my guitars and my bowling shirts. I got another bowling shirt for Christmas (thanks, Love!). It matches my motorcycle, my new toy that I got in October and have put 1,000 miles on already. Fun fun fun!

You can't tell from the picture, but since you stalk me you probably already know it's a maroonish 1982 Suzuki GS550L. Translation: a good starter bike, good for distance too.
What else? Sashi is in Kindergarten. She loves it. Just got her 1st Semester report card yesterday. Almost all "PR"s and "S"s. (PR = Proficient, shows mastery of skill, or exceeds expectations. S = Satisfactory. I don't know if the teacher could choose between PR and S for each category or not. It's Kindergarten, and she's doing very well)
Anyway, I'm putting the "PRO" in Procrastination, so I'ma gonna stop this awhile and go procrastinate elsewhere :)
Oh I almost forgot: I was witnessed to yesterday. Received a gospel tract and everything. I wish the guy had listened to me but he was in the zone. If you're witnessing to someone, and you ask 'em what they do, or whether they know God, Listen to 'em, for goodness sake.
Sola gratia
Thanks for reading!
Be blessed!